Monday, February 17, 2014

Week from HELL.

I never thought that my life would change as drastic as it did all in one week. Leaving class on tuesday after a long full day I was exhausted and excited to know that I would be going away for a couple days for my friends birthday. I was just about to leave campus when all of a sudden my brakes failed and I smashed into the car in front of me completely crushing my entire front end. Being a 20 year old independent from my parents this was a HUGE deal for me. Taxes due soon, rent to pay, now car accident!!! Safe to say I did not get to enjoy my friends birthday that weekend! Not only was I cursed with this accident but my mother informed me she was pregnant and my best friend said she is moving to California. Life sure can be difficult and hard but I learned this past week to take life with a grain of salt and to keeping pushing along. You think you may have a plan but you really dont life could and will change completely tomorrow. Keep smiling.

1 comment:

  1. Were there warning signs on your car? Sometimes, cars inevitably fail for no reason, or maybe an odd engine noise started up days before the brakes failed. Either way, it's great that you escaped unscathed from this accident. You have to be at least thankful for that.
    Bobby Ladson @
